Syngenta Asia Pacific

We were engaged to design and conduct a series of crisis communications exercises for Syngenta across the Asia Pacific region, to test local crisis response teams and identify gaps in capabilities.

Syngenta is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of herbicides and insecticides designed to protect and encourage growth of agricultural crops. Its products include paraquat, renowned for its lethal effect on humans if ingested.

We conducted the exercises with the help of local Syngenta staff in Bangalore, Jakarta, Singapore, Shanghai and Taipei. After each exercise, a report was produced which identified key learnings and recommended remedial action.

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                       3 Phillips Street,                              14-05 Royal Group Building ,
Singapore 048693


                     Route de Glion 74,                        1823 GLION, Switzerland

+41 79 591 5286 (Switzerland)
+65 9782 4370 (Singapore)